Sunday, April 11, 2010

did you ever...

Did you ever wonder about how absolutely awful it would be to be a chicken? And ovulate on a daily basis?

Ummm, yeah. Me too neither.


  1. No, but I've sometimes wondered what it would be like to be a c--, er rooster.

  2. No, but I've sometimes wondered what it would be like to be a c-, I mean, rooster.

  3. hahahha maybe that's why chickens are so awful. they were my least favorite animal on our farm--they always attacked me when i tried to feed them/get their eggs. tee hee!

  4. Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be a menopausal woman, and ovulate...not at all?


    Imagine a very evil laugh there.

  5. Oh good lord. Once every 24 days is WAY too often for me.

    By the way. I heart my dSLR too!

  6. Did you ever wonder how absolutely awful it would be to get knocked up EVERYDAY? I mean OctoMom's got nothing on these chicks...

    Oh? Me neither.


talk to me, people. because you know i get all giddy when you do.