Wednesday, June 10, 2009

posting about not posting

Super exciting, I know.

But the weather's been nice.

And I have been playing in the dirt.

With my boys.

And there haven't been any naps.

Except for Sweets. He's a good sleeper.


I've got nothing.

Except beds and beds full of tomatoes and other things.

And a pretty yard.

The End.


  1. Well, then, you are all set! Sounds good all around. Good luck with them 'maters! :)

  2. Our sandbox when I was a kid? A square frame made of wood, about 4' X 4' filled with DIRT. Kept us busy for ages! We dug to China, made marble hills, castles that actually stayed built. I'd play with one now.

  3. Playing in the dirt is therapeutic. I love going out.

  4. I make a trip out to our gardens every afternoon and pull weeds. I'm with Michele - more therapeutic than anything else I do. ;-)

  5. Sounds like you've got a lot more than nothing! Playing in the dirt, cute boys, fresh tomatoes, a pretty yard!

  6. At first, I was all, why would she put tomatoes in her bed. Then I finally caught on. Honestly, if you were sitting next to me on this here sofa, you'd be watching Dora and you could actually hear the light bulb go off in my head. I have beautiful topsy turvy tomatoes. You're more than welcome to come over, stand on your head and look at my tomatoes upside down. Or we could watch Dora. Yes, at Jen's house the world is yours..

  7. It sounds like you have your priorities in near perfect order. Except for the napping. Young people often forget the supreme importance of a good nap.

    You go, Girl!

  8. good to know that i haven't been missing anything ... 'cause i haven't been around either.


talk to me, people. because you know i get all giddy when you do.