I have a confession to make. Here goes:
I received a brand-spanking new Hygeia EnJoye breastpump to review. And I totally forgot to write the review. I suck.
(Heh. I said suck when talking about a breastpump. ::snicker::)
Hygeia-WHO? I admit (again, with the admissions, I know) that until I started talking breastfeeding on twitter I had never ever heard of Hygeia. When somebody said breast pump, I would think of Medela, Evenflo and Playtex.
What's the difference? Thanks for asking because I'm going to tell you.
There's this little organization you may have heard of, called the World Health Organization. Ring any bells? Well. The WHO has taken a pretty firm stance on breastfeeding, and has even published a book entitled International Code of Marketing Breast-Milk Substitutes. These people are serious about the breastfeeding.
Hygeia is the only breast-pump manufacturer who is WHO CODE compliant.
Hygeia does not manufacture bottles or nipples.
The reason Hygeia has chosen to be faithful to the strict standards of the WHO CODE when doctors and medical facilities across the United States continue to ignore these standards is because Hygeia believes the WHO CODE protects women and babies. Hygeia believes that full implementation of the CODE in the United States would increase our breastfeeding initiation and duration.
I happen to agree.
I love companies that stand up for what they believe.
About the pump:
The EnJoye™ Breastpump is a professional-grade electric/battery double pump that is designed for long-term and frequent pumping needs such as working mothers. The EnJoye™ is ideal for battery-dependent pumping. The EnJoye Breastpump is also ideal for long-term and frequent pumping needs, for maintaining milk supply as well as to collect breastmilk single or double pumping.
The EnJoye has shown proven performance for moms with long-term and frequent pumping needs. Better yet? Your satisfaction is guaranteed and there's a THREE YEAR WARRANTY. Heck yes. The EnJoye Breastpump is usually more affordable, more portable, and more convenient than other rental pumps. It features the unique Hygeia CARE Button for Customized Audio Recording Experience so you can record your baby or other sound to enhance your breastpumping experience. The EnJoye Breastpump is a green breastpump, and can be shared by multiple mothers when each has her own personal accessory set. The EnJoye can also be recycled when you are finished. And it's safe, because all parts that come into contact with breastmilk are BPA/DEHP free.
You can find Hygeia on the effbooks and on twitter. And for even MORE Hygeia, follow Kate on Twitter. She's an awesome resource for anything Hygeia-related, and also knows all the breastfeeding support people in the universe. Well maybe not. But the networking Kate does makes her a Breastfeeding Support Superstar.
And as it turns out, I never actually leave Elliott with anybody, so I didn't get much use from my pump. So I passed it along to a mama from my MOPS group whose baby girl was born with Down Syndrome. That girl needs a pump.