Side note: I am quite judicious in my posting about field trips, and pictures of field trips, because I don't actually know how many stalkers I have out there who actually know where I live and also because I have been known to photograph parents in my children's classes like a papparazo stalker, minus the ginormous flash, because really people? That's totally unnecessary for a field trip. And if My Friend K From Up The Street says I musn't post pictures, then I musn't.
So I posted this little statement on the effbook:
Oh, goody. Preschool field trip in the a.m.
Followed by this gem:
field trip synopsis: kid was all 'meh, doll hospital, whatevs, can we go home?'
And I got called out for not having anything nice to say but saying it anyway. I get the whole not saying mean things-thing, but I really didn't think that was a horrible thing to say. Because hi, have you met me? I'm not actually a fan of other people's kids. Also? Not a fan of hanging out with other people's kids IN LARGE GROUPS. Also? A bit of a hermit, I am. I don't really ever want to go anywhere. Unless there's really good coffee, but I'm sure that's a given. And also (I swear this is the last one...)??? Wee Man wasn't really impressed with the whole situation other than 1) we got to see his Daddy at work, and 2) the nicey old lady sewed up his Buzz Wite-near's busted up elbow.
Moving. On.
I'm directing a little play called The Comedy of Errors. Maybe you've heard of it? Well, I made one of the actors REALLY STINKING UPSET today, and I pretty much feel like crap about it. This has absolutely nothing to do with effbook, but it's bugging me and I'm unloading here. Because it's my blog, that's why.
Also? The actor is a kid, as are all of the actors, and I know I just said I don't like hanging out in large groups of other people's kids and yes, I totally volunteered to do this, and yes, I'm aware this might be karma making me feel bad about not liking other people's kids. But maybe not.
Moving on.
Finally, with the effbook thing, I learned tonight that my brother and his fiance, soon to be wife, are moving. I learned this from effbook, because I was scrolling through the day's events, and happened to see a post mentioning this. Also? There are new employment situations, and also et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Awesome. Thanks for sharing.
Think I'm going to just hop off effbook and hermit myself forever.