Wednesday, November 5, 2008

wordless wednesday


  1. i love this picture. orange leaves make me happy. except for when they are covered in snow. that makes me very sad. luckily it's 60 out today and i don't have to worry about snow covered orange leaves...yet =)

  2. You need approximately 600 more of these to string together into a nice leafy Autumnal Loincloth.

    You should feel happy. I need something like 1,500,000 to cover my goods.

  3. Neat macro shot. What type of camera setup do you have?

  4. hey! did you sneak into my back yard? Nice picture.

  5. Yes, Catherine, I totally snuck across the country and into your back yard to take that picture of a sugar maple leaf because we absolutely have NO sugar maples in New York State, the Maple Syrup Capital of the Universe As We Know It. You've figured me out! Now everyone is on to me!!!!

    And Badass, I have a Canon a200 DSLR. I used the short lens (like how I'm super technical) on the aperture setting. I call this photo Stalking the Colorado Maple.

  6. Yes. And today, the change fell like white stuff that I shall ski on. Winter has hit my home state. Awesome photo, lady.


talk to me, people. because you know i get all giddy when you do.